Customer Panel

At the Customer Panel you can change your contact data, your account data, check your finances, make online payments and manage all your services. You will find a help list of topics related to the Client Panel below.

In order to log into the Client Panel, go to and click an icon Client Panel at the upper corner. You may also use a direct link:

In order to remind your password to the Customer Panel, go to logging into the Customer Panel. Below the logging form you will find a link Use an option: Remind your password. You can also use a direct link:

Please fill in the form: your login to the Customer Panel and your email address which you used while signing the contract. When you click on: Send a reminder - a new password will be generated and sent to your email address.

If you do not remember your login or email address you used while logging in for the first time, contact our Customer Service by writting an email to:

After logging into the Customer Panel click on Change password in menu on your left. Fill in your old password and then a new one. After clicking Save changes your password will be changed.

In this section you can change your contact data. We recommend to give a consent for receiving messages and emails, we do not send spam or ads - only important technical information, warnings of internet breaks and informations of changes in our offer.

All our correspondence will be sent to data given in this section.

In this section you can change your invoice data

Here you will find all data concerning your contract - such as: duration of the contract, amount of payments as well as the list of all additional services you have ordered.

The list of your bills. You may download them all as pdf file any time.

The list of your dues. If you have an option of electronic invoice on and and option of payments in cash turned off - you can pay online. Online payments are most useful when it happens that you forget to pay your bill in time - all speed limits will be retreated in several minutes after making a payment.

You can turn on your invoice in the Customer Panel in section Your Invoice. As for the payments in cash - if this option is on contact our Customer Service

When you click on a choosen host you will see the details of it's configuration, such as:

  • host's name
  • PPPOE login
  • internet speed assigned to your host
  • the list of MAC addresses of all your devices

Below a table containing configuration parameters, you will find the charts of traffic and packages you have generated for the last 24 hours and for the last week.If you need to know exactly what these charts show, read an article concerning traffic charts interpretation.

If you need to change your PPPOE password, you can do it in your host edition. After loggin into the Customer Panel click on your hosts and then click on your host which you want to moderate. Fill in a new password in a blank which will appear.

PPPOE password must have 6 to 12 signs and consist of numbers 0-9 or letters: a-z A-Z.

After you click on „save changes” the password will be changed. Please remember to change it in your device's configuration.